07 June 2019 - 15 September 2019.AMBERES – Roberto Bolaño’s Antwerp An exhibition inspired by a novel, a city and a scene Artists include: Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Im
02 May 2021 - 29 August 2021.The Flemish museum world continues to evolve, but the media coverage of these innovations focuses almost exclusively on architectural concern
18 December 2004 - 27 February 2005.During the seventies and the early eighties, the ICC was an intermediary between a progressive art praxis and the ill-at-ease public, as well
08 October 1977 - 06 November 1977.No description.
05 October 2012 - 20 January 2013.GORDON MATTA-CLARK (1943-1978) was an ‘all-round artist’. He called his own work and that of the group that gathered around him 'anarchitectu
23 August 2022 - 30 April 2023.Gordon Matta-Clark (1943–1978) described his activities as 'anarchitecture' – a synthesis of the concepts of anarchy and architecture. Anarch
21 June 1987 - 16 August 1987.No description.
09 March 2018 - 25 March 2018.M HKA reserves its fifth floor for surprising interventions and intimate pop-up presentations. INBOX is a place that inspires and surprises,
28 January 2017 - 25 February 2017.M HKA and the Immaculata nursing home have developed an enduring partnership on the topic of contemporary art. This project aims to stimulate
28 April 2017 - 31 December 2021.For the first time, the M HKA will be able to present a permanent collection exhibition with iconic masterpieces from Flemish and internation
23 November 2002 - 09 February 2003.No description.
29 June 2007 - 18 November 2007.No description.
07 June 2013 - 22 September 2013.The character of a collection reflected the current priorities of the M HKA collection: the evaluation of Antwerp’s avant-garde tradition; th
25 January 2025 - 03 January 2027. Permanent Collection Presentation From 25.01.2025 In 2017, M HKA reopened after an extensive renovation, showcasing a permanent c
05 May 2016 - 19 June 2016.No description.