©image Rita Claerhoudt
° 1950
Lives in Bruges (BE), born in Knokke (BE).
"Daniël Dewaele has been an active member of the Belgian arts scene since at least the early seventies, and quite early on became involved, on a quasi-regular basis, with the Antwerp-based ICC, the museum’s historical ‘parent’ institution. In 1980, Dewaele ventured out into the street armed with a video camera and one simple question: "what does the ICC mean to you?", mapping the extent of the proverbial man-in-the-street’s connection with (or, more pointedly, disconnection from) the world of contemporary art. In 2004, the video recording of this quasi-performance was screened at the entrance of the exhibition "Dear ICC", in which the museum looked back at certain long-forgotten aspects of its own prehistory. MuHKA also owns a series of photographs documenting another performance simply titled "Exhibiting", which Dewaele conceived for the doors of the historical Groeninge museum in Bruges in 1976. Another work from 1976, titled "24.800 m2 sculpture", highlights Dewaele’s early engagement with what only much later became known as "institutional critique": the work’s physical roots are in a mail art project in which several museums generously offered their exhibition spaces to the artist by way of their official letterhead - a virtual exhibition covering some twenty-five thousand square meters of institutional ground."
>Daniël Dewaele, Voorbehouden Daniël Dewaele, 1976.Print, 50 x 50 cm.
>Daniël Dewaele, Tentoonstellen [To Exhibit], 1976.Photography, cardboard, photographs, 6 x (52 x 39 cm).
>Daniël Dewaele, 24.800 m² sculpture [24.800 m² Sculpture], 1976.Intervention, ink, paper, 18 x (29.5 x 21 cm).
>Daniël Dewaele, Intallatie z.t., 1977-1986.Installation, cardboard, postcard, showcase, 82 x 900 x 90 cm.
>Daniël Dewaele, Daniël Dewaele 'Streng Verboden Toegang', 1978.Book, ink, paper, 17.5 x 11 cm, language : Dutch, publisher : ICC/Internationaal Cultureel Centrum, Antwerpen.
>Daniël Dewaele, Kunst tegen werkloosheid, 1979.Installation, zwart/wit foto’s en teksten, 60 x 400 cm en 1 tafel met documenten 60 x 120 cm.
>Daniël Dewaele, Wat zegt U het ICC? [What does ICC Mean to You?], 1980.Video, dvd, 00:20:00.
>Daniël Dewaele, Daniel Dewaele : Art and Society - Are there Solutions?, 1982-1985.Book, ink, paper, 29.2 x 20.6 cm, 171 p., language : English, Dutch, design by the artist, texts by Daan Rau, Jo Coucke and Daniel Dewaele, publisher : Amarant vzw, Centrum voor Artistieke Confrontatie, Gent.
>Daniël Dewaele, Daniël Dewaele, 1989.Book, ink, paper, 27.4 x 20.9 cm, 32p., language : Dutch, English, publisher : Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen.
>Daniël Dewaele, Zonder titel, 2013.Photography, ingelijste kleurenfoto's, 300 x 172 cm.
> Exhibition: A NON-U-MENTAL HISTORY OF M HKA – Part 1: Foundation Gordon Matta-Clark. 02 May 2021 - 29 August 2021.
> Exhibition: Daniël Dewaele. 06 May 1989 - 11 June 1989.
> Exhibition: EXTRA MUROS: DE INTERNATIONALE - Museum of Affects. 26 November 2011 - 29 January 2012.
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> Exhibition: Herita-project. 31 January 2014.
> Exhibition: I AM YOU – Artists against violence. 18 October 1993 - 04 January 1994.
> Exhibition: M HKA in het Paleis op de Meir. .
> Exhibition: The collection XXXII – Personality Test + The Book Lovers. 07 December 2012 - 21 April 2013.
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> Ensemble: 24,800 Square Metres.
> Ensemble: Aanwinsten 2016 [Acquisitions 2016].
> Ensemble: Collectie Vlaamse Gemeenschap.
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> Ensemble: ICC_Publications.
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> Ensemble: kunstenaarsboeken uit de jaren '80 [artists' books from the 80s].
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> Ensemble: NUCLEUS.
> Ensemble: Stichting Gordon Matta-Clark.