PanamarenkoWout VercammenDr. Hugo HeyrmanYoshio Nakajima
Poster, 29 x 18.5 cm. Materials: blue ink, paper
Collection: Collection M HKA, Antwerp - Panamarenko Archive.
11 December 2014 - 11 January 2015.This winter M HKA highlights the work of Wout Vercammen with A well-considered idea of an exhibition in 3 parts, which will be presented as a
19 December 2008 - 18 January 2009.No description.
The avant-garde magazine Happening News first appeared in September 1965 on the initiative of Panamarenko, Hugo Heyrman, Wout Vercammen and Y
“I always want a poster to have a special impact, an impact that goes far beyond the purely informational aspect. I use the poster to show b
Panamarenko, Dr. Hugo Heyrman, Yoshio Nakajima, Wout Vercammen, NU Happening van een bezette stad II, dancing-, music-, photography-, movies-, pantomime and other actions, 1965. Happening.