Kunst muss sein (LIDL)
Collection: Studio Chris Reinecke.
In the pamphlet ‘ART MUST BE’, Reinecke responds to the established order's recuperation of the anti-attitude. After the failed uprising of 1968, the ‘movement’ is reduced to a a scattered group of individuals that use the ‘revolution’ for personal gain. At this point, Reinecke no longer gained new perspectives from the politicized art scene, which had become entrenched in concepts such as progressiveness and authenticity, but from political work based on a democratic society in which art sheds its elitist pretensions.
The drawings in the margin represent men in an elevator, soaring to success. The man with the hat depicts Joseph Beuys. She told me that the distribution of this pamphlet was not met with enthusiasm. “What have you done?!” Immendorff had exclaimed, “this is your death sentence.”