Installation, 00:01:49, 300 x 130 x 340 cm.
Materials: Glass bottles, fake blood, posters, stickers, video
Collection: Courtesy Lekha and Anupam Poddar Collection.
[…] another work by Shilpa Gupta, Blame from 2002, aptly describes our current situation. In this interactive installation and performance, the artist distributed bottles with the labels of blame (with inscriptions such as ‘Blaming you makes me feel so good. So I blame you for what you cannot control. Your religion, your nationality. I want to blame you. It makes me feel good’) in the local trains of Mumbai and at other public spaces, such as shopping malls.
Mirza (Q.), “The Usual Suspect”, in Ed. Adajania (N.), Shilpa Gupta, Prestel Verlag, 2009, p.124.