Christo Jef Lambrecht
Photographie, 10 x 15 cm. Materials: paper, emulsion
Collection: M HKA, Antwerpen - Schenking Samarkand, 2019.
Images of the surroundings during wrapping of the Reichstag - Series of photographs taken by JL during a visit to the wrapping of the Reichs
People watching proceedings - Images of the surroundings during wrapping of the Reichstag - Series of photographs taken by JL during a visit
Section of old Berlin Wall - Images of the surroundings during wrapping of the Reichstag - Series of photographs taken by JL during a visit
The archives of Jef Lambrecht have been deposited in the care of CKV as a test case for future reference.
La majeure partie de l’héritage artistique de Jef Lambrecht provient de son propre studio, légué à sa propre organisation caritative à but no
Jef Lambrecht, Christo , Reichstag im Negligé (stills), 1995. Photography, paper, emulsion, 10 x 15.
Christo , Jef Lambrecht, Reichstag Partially Dressed, 1995. Photography, paper, emulsion, 10 x 15 cm.
Christo , Jef Lambrecht, Reichstag im Negligé - General Views, 1995. Photography, paper, emulsion, 10 x 15 cm.
Christo , Jef Lambrecht, Reichstag in Negligé (copy). Poster, paper, ink (printing), A3/ 42x30 cm.