Chris StraetlingJef Lambrecht
Multiple, ca. 3 x 5 cm var,. Materials: paper, ink (printing)
Collection: M HKA, Antwerpen - Schenking Samarkand, 2019.
Various calling cards published around the time of the foundation of the BVP/PPB (Belgische Volks Partei (Partij) / Partie Populaire Belge) i
Occasional Paper, or other medium, by Jef Lambrecht - grown out of the LdL / Orgaan tradition, it functions as information channel as well as
La majeure partie de l’héritage artistique de Jef Lambrecht provient de son propre studio, légué à sa propre organisation caritative à but no
Belgische VolksPatrij / Parti Populaire Belge / Belgische Volkspartei / Belgian Peopple's Party BVP/PPB was founded during the Interconti
The archives of Jef Lambrecht have been deposited in the care of CKV as a test case for future reference.
Jef Lambrecht, Quick drawings (laminated). Multiple, paper, ink (printing) pen, plastic, ca. 3 x 5 cm var,.
Jef Lambrecht, Ariane Tierssoone , O.I. Never Open Mind. Mail Art, paper, ink (printing) pen, glue, A6, var..