Jef Lambrecht
Photographie, 10 x 15 cm. Materials: paper, emulsion, ink
Abu Dulaf, spiral minaret (more slender than great mosque)
Various pictures of the Abu Dulaf mosque with it's spiral minaret north of Samarra - part of a series taken during trip in Iraq in april 199
Abu Dulaf from a distance
Abu Dulaf - view of minaret through the gateway
Voyager Les voyages sont un aspect important dans l'œuvre de Jef Lambrecht, il a beaucoup voyagé et a pris conscience de l'aspect inspirant
The archives of Jef Lambrecht have been deposited in the care of CKV as a test case for future reference.
La majeure partie de l’héritage artistique de Jef Lambrecht provient de son propre studio, légué à sa propre organisation caritative à but no