Livre, 17.5 x 23.5 x 4.3 cm. Materials: paper, ink
Collection: Collection M HKA, Antwerp.
25 September 2020 - 25 April 2021.Artistes participants : Hannah Höch, Lovis Corinth, Karl Hofer, George Grosz, Carol Rama, Werner Peiner, Belgian Institute for World Affairs,
Eugenics is the set of theories and practices aimed at improving the inheritable qualities of the human race, and engineer a better society.
L'eugénisme nazi Les idées de l’eugénisme sont à la source de l’idéologie nazie qui, dans les années 1930, prônait l’« hygiène raciale ». La
As with a number of exhibitions M HKA has organised in recent years exploring questions we feel to be relevant for society and culture at lar