Op die Horison. Kwartaalblad van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk in Suid-Afrika
Periodical, 15.5 x 24.1 x 0.3 cm.
Materials: ink, paper
Collection: Collection MHKA, Antwerp.
The Dutch Reformed Church, the oldest church community in South Africa, openly supported the apartheid policy. In 1997, at the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, it pleaded guilty for its part in apartheid.
“The Bible teaches that God wanted racial apartheid and that we, as Christians, must not ignore this regulation of God. Hence also our right to keep our own race and spiritual heritage pure.” — Prof. Dr. J.H. Kritzinger, ‘Rasse-apartheid in die Lig van die Skrif’ (‘Racial Apartheid in the Light of Scripture’) in Op die Horison, March 1947, p. 31