Letter to Anny De Decker and Bernd Lohaus
Letter, 219 x 26.8 cm.
Materials: red paper
Collection: Private Collection.
Letter to Anny De Decker and Bernd Lohaus
"A & B
For press just say W.W.S. is showing Mr. Byars and list my 12 facts and suggest calling daily for scheduling. I will open with “50 in a hat” and bring the airplane and write my autobio. in “1000 minutes” and do other things if possible - it is exciting to just show me and what circumstances I can invent – I hope to leave on the 15th? I will be in NYC till then. Thank you very much for the Phd. fic. presentation and the hatting.
Look forward to Europe. It will be my first time. “Byars in Antwerp” sounds fantastic already. Please send the ticket as soon as possible. I am ready to leave any time after the 10th – with great appreciation to you both –
fondly JLB"