Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / AMVK
Dessin, 17.3 x 26.7 cm. Materials: Ink on paper, double-sided
Collection: Courtesy of the artist (Inv. no. 19740000C / 19740000D).
Nadenken (Réflexion)
AMVK, Nadenken, 1974
AMVK, Varia / Noorwegen, 1974
09 November 2018 - 24 February 2019.Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven strategically uses her initials as if they were a global corporate brand. She consciously chooses the distanced anony
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"Le dessin au trait est comme un squelette, un cadre qui a pris beaucoup de temps à devenir ce qu’il est. Autour de lui, des possibilités, la
The work of Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven (AMVK) arises from graphic notes, drawings in which she records her streams of thoughts. For her, drawing