032303 + 6 Polaroid Black & White prints

Danny Matthys


Photography, 57.5 x 38.5 cm.
Materials: Black-and-white Polaroids, paper

Collection: Collectie M HKA, Schenking van de kunstenaar.

Photography has been an important medium for Danny Matthys from his debut at the end of the 1960s onwards. Like many (conceptual) artists at the time, Matthys was interested in the concepts of place and time. In his early photo series, in which he would for example present a roundabout from four corners, he evokes the experience of time and space. This evocation culminates in Matthys’ polaroid works, often created ‘in situ’, starting from the mid 1970s. At different locations (for example at the Van Abbe Museum in Eindhoven) he created polaroid-works on a door: a polaroid shot of a door is attached to the door and photographed again. This process continues until the door is filled with polaroids. The passage of time is made apparent throughout the series of photos. 032303 was created in this manner. Except the object of multiple recording isn’t a door, but an invitation which the artist received to take part in an exhibition in Montreal. As his contribution to the exhibition Matthys created a triple, tautological record of the invitation.

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