Post Performance Project 2(B)
In collaboration with Paul Geladi, Marc Holthof, Lieve De Winter, Marc Olyslager & Luc Mishalle
• De Warande, Turnhout, October 1980
‘Proper’ artistic material was replaced by the interplay of light and space. An audiovisual environment created specifically in function of the multilayered space in which it was presented. From the booklet of De Warande in Turnhout: ‘The project is a continuation of the series of Post Performance Projects which started in May 1980. (...) The first project (...) could, and can, be repeated anywhere, even without the presence of the artist – which would make it more like an installation. The “installation” in De Warande has similar characteristics: the role of the artist is almost superfluous, there is little “live” action, the installation can work by itself. What is striking in this version of the project is that there is attention for the specific characteristics of the space and that audio-visual media are being used in the installation (and not just text as in PPP 1): from different angles films and slides are projected on different sides of the space.’
(Abstracts from Hugo Roelandt: Let's Expand The Sky, red. Mark Holthof, Occasional Papers, London, 2016)