Dimitri Vangrunderbeek
MUHKA, Antwerpen
02 March 2002 - 12 May 2002
In the work of Dimitri Vangrunderbeek (°1964, Brussels), normal objects - such as chairs and lamps - and spaces acquire a completely new meaning. Because of the various operations the artists subjects them to - e.g. wrapping, enclosing, smearing, sawing, sanding, covering, dismantling - they not only lose their original function, but also their characteristic physical properties.
This abstraction results in a different view of objects and spaces that we actually hardly ever notice in everyday life. It catches the attention and certain mental processes are triggered in which the viewer starts to reconstruct a volume or movement. In line with his exhibition, Dimitri Vangrunderbeek created an installation especially for the young visitors in the educational room of the M HKA.