A Halo around the ICC


I.C.C., Antwerp

26 September 1976

Action by James Lee byars in front of the I.C.C. on the Meir, Antwerps' busiest shopping street. The proportional analogy between the width of the facade of the I.C.C. and the width of the street, inspired James Lee Byars for this action. Under the watchfull eye of Byars, I.C.C. director Flor Bex
starts with the painting of a semicircle on the street in front of the building. The original plan was to give a performance at the exact centre of the halo, but Bex was caught red handed and arrested by a patrol of the Antwerp police. Byars, who had gone "missing" when the boys in blue arrived, eventually gave his performance, under the form of a reception in an unfinished halo.

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