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Jim Shaw, Study for "4 Horseman of the Apocalypse", 2013. Drawing, pencil on paper, 14 x 16 15/16 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for "Decapitated Okapi 1", 2014. Drawing, pencil on paper, 11 x 14 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for "Light Of the Forest", 2014. Drawing, pencil on paper, 14 x 17 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for "Iconoclast", 2015. Drawing, pencil on paper, 14 x 11 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for " The Moon" , 2015. Drawing, pencil on paper, 9 x 12 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for " The Moon" with Dog and Cheney, 2015. Drawing, pencil on paper, 20 1/2 x 17 1/16 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for Silhouette Figures, 2015. Drawing, pencil on paper, 14 x 17 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for "Origin of the Species" 2, 2015. Drawing, pencil on paper, 9 x 11 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for "Two Top Hats", 2015. Drawing, pencil on paper, 9 x 12 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for "Refrigerator in Hell", 2015. Drawing, ink and pencil on paper, 24 x 17 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for "Mystery Babylon", 2015. Drawing, pencil on paper, 12 x 9 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for "Sprits of the Dead", 2015. Drawing, pencil on paper, 17 x 14 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for "Lucifer and the Pope in Hell", 2015. Drawing, ink and pencil on paper, 11 x 14 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for "Judgement", 2015. Drawing, pencil on paper, 9 x 12 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for Rhoads, 2016. Drawing, pencil on paper, 16 1/2 x 13 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for "St. George", 2016. Drawing, pencil on paper, 11 x 14 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for Wig Museum Cut-Outs (Cyril Smith), 2016. Drawing, pencil on paper, 24 x 19 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for Wig Museum Cut-Outs (Electrolux vacuum body), 2016. Drawing, pencil on paper, 13 7/8 x 17 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study 5 for "Untitled (White Over Payne's Grey)", 2016. Drawing, pencil on paper, 19 x 24 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for "Noir Cityscape" Large, 2017. Drawing, pencil on paper, 19 x 24 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for Homed Hummer, 2017. Drawing, pencil on paper, 9 1/16 x 12 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for the "Whore of Babylon", 2017. Drawing, pencil on paper, 19 x 10 inches.
Jim Shaw, Trump Horns Screaming, 2017. Drawing, pencil on paper, 11 x 14 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for "The Potato Family", 2017. Drawing, pencil on paper, 12 x 11 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for Uncle Sam Cake Fight, 2017. Drawing, pencil on paper, 12 x 9 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for Top Hat Tire Man, 2017. Drawing, pencil on paper, 24 x 19 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study Singing Horn, 2017. Drawing, pencil on paper, 9 x 12 inches.
Jim Shaw, Study for Nixon Pyramid, 2018. Drawing, pencil on paper, 12 x 9 inches.