Artworks by Ukrainian artists from the M HKA collection / Collection of the Flemish Community.
Nikita Kadan / Нікіта Кадан, Small House of Giants / Будиночок велетнів, 2012. Installation, found object, wood, metal, gypsum, paint, 250 x 250 x 435 cm.
Oksana Shachko / Оксана Шачко, Untitled (Crucified Virgin from Iconoclast series) / Без назви (Розіп’ята Діва з серії «Іконоборство»), 2016. Painting, tempera, egg yolk, gold leaf, wood, 33 x 24 cm.
Sergey Bratkov / Сергій Братков, Boxes, 2009. Installation, wood, plastic, paper.
Sergey Bratkov / Сергій Братков, Pilots and stewardesses, 2003. Photography, photo on aluminium, 7 x (40 x 30 cm).
Imagine Ukraine est un projet ambitieux qui aspire à tendre la main au-delà des urgences immédiates, si pressantes soient-elles, et ouvrir la